Lille (Francia), 29-30/11/2018: "Individual air pollution sensors. Innovation or revolution?&qu

For its 60 years-old, the Association pour la Prévention de la Pollution Atmosphérique organizes in partnership with the European Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations and the laboratoire PhysicoChimie des Processus de Combustion et de l’Atmosphère (Univ. Lille/CNRS) an international symposium of 2 days entitled:
Individual air pollution sensors - Innovation or revolution ?
When and where: 29-30 november 2018 at Villeneuve d’Ascq (France)
A call for papers is launched in order to propose a program will provide an oppotunity to take stock of the art and to stiulate reflection on various issues :
Technology and metrology: what measurements? Which pollutants? What reliability? What standardization? What about using these sensors in indoor air?
The health aspect: what individual impact? what contribution for epidemiological studies, under what conditions?
The societal and big data component: ownership and management of the data generated?
The economic and strategic aspect: real cost of sensors? Economic model ? Monitoring the implementation of emission reduction actions?
What do we learn from the first feedback? Actual use by citizens? Changes in behavior?
The symposium will be structured around invited lectures and papers selected by a scientific committee from the various abstracts received following the call for papers.
For more information: